Who we are

We are a team of educated socially concerned persons committed to bring about meaningful quantifiable CHANGES in the social, economic and environmental situations around us.

The board members are erudite and well-experienced in their respective fields of education, ecology, sociology, economics and educational psychology with strong ethical values. With their active participation in programmes related to sustainable development of the society, environment and women empowerment, their counsels have been an asset to the organization.

The members of our staff are well-educated and well-trained in field work. Under the valued guidance of the board members, they put in their sincere and optimum efforts in implementing our activities successfully.

Our Vision

Social, Economic and Environmental Well-being of People and the Planet“.

Our Mission

Empowering the communities by inducing their own defence mechanism against abuse, inequality and discrimination;
Enabling access to resources through ethical and legal means so as to augment rights-based education, sustainable development, labour standards and environmental well-being”.

Board Members

Board Members
Ms. C. Jennifer

Chair Person – Trustee

Women Development Educationist

M.Phil in Education

M.Phil in English

22 years with CARE T

Mr. N. G. Sugumaran

Senior Trustee

Social and Industry Manager

M. A. in Sociology

22 years with CARE T

Mr. S. M. Prithivi Raj

 Managing Trustee

Social Environment Entrepreneur

M.Phil. in Sociology

Diploma in Permaculture, USA

22 years with CARE T

Dr. I. Mohan Dass

Financial Trustee


Ph. D. in Economics

22 years with CARE T

Dr. A. M. N. Leena



Ph. D. in Education

1 year with CARE T

Members of the staff